Saturday, November 1, 2008
Miss Kennedy's First Halloween
Our little pumpkin
Where she got the blue eyes...
Hanging out with Aunt Panda and Uncle Zak
OU/Texas weekend
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Kennedy's new tricks
Tummy time - not exactly her favorite thing, but she can now lift her head to look straight in front of her, as well as side to side.
Sitting in the Bumbo unassisted - that is, until the cheeks start to weigh her down. And you'll notice she already has her "Mom, enough with the pictures" face perfected.
And her favorite position - standing. And I have to say, this one is pretty darn cute because she looks like such a little person standing there, rather than just a baby. And she loves it, so she is almost always smiling, which makes it worth it no matter how tired Mommy's arms get. :)
Monday, October 13, 2008
Try not to be too jealous...
And speaking of waking up in the morning, it is soooo much easier now that Miss Kennedy is sleeping through the night - that's right, it's official. For the last three weeks, she has been going down at night and sleeping for 7-8 hours straight for her first stretch, then waking up to eat and going back to sleep for about 3 more hours. And let me just say that I feel like a new woman! It makes such a difference being able to sleep longer than 2-3 hours at a time. At first I thought it was just a fluke, so I didn't want to say anything and risk jinxing it, but it appears to be a pattern. Keep up the good work, honey!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Poor little thing doesn't get any attention...
Warming up with Daddy after bath time
Kennedy's Favorite Toys
The bouncy seat/swing - although she appears to favor the bumble bee over the giraffe. Poor giraffe!
The Boppy definitely sees a lot of action. You gotta love a girl who knows how to relax!
Here is her favorite spot in the house. The play mat really has no competition - with a mirror, lights, music, and a dangling vibrating purple elephant, the others have no hope.
Everybody was kung-fu fighting...
Staring at herself - always exciting!
And of course, there's the Bumbo. She still needs to grow into this one a little, but she sure does look cute sitting in it. And check out the dress Granny Jo brought back from Mexico!
Newborn Photographs
Monday, September 29, 2008
Bringing Home Baby
But, something happened, something I have been told happens with all new parents. You just figure it out. And you do - I'm not kidding. Maybe not right off the bat, but you get there. Of course we still have questions all the time, but you start to feel comfortable enough to trust your instincts, and then you realize that parenthood is the best. thing. ever. I mean seriously, how did we get so lucky?
Here we are leaving the hospital, after quite a while spent strapping her into the car seat that first time. :)
And here's our little angel on the next day, after her first appointment with the pediatrician. I can't believe how huge that onesie was on her then - it is now in the storage bin of things she has outgrown already!
Getting some sun with Daddy and Granny Jo. We had to make sure to give her some sunlight every day at the beginning to help with the jaundice. Luckily by her two week appointment, her levels were no longer a concern. Whew!
Another reminder of just how tiny she was - she has almost outgrown her Moses basket now, but she was just a little speck in it at first.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Okay, okay - I give up!
On our way to the hospital. What a strange feeling knowing that we were leaving the house as a couple for the last time!

Almost time to meet Baby Q...
It's a... GIRL!!!! Miss Kennedy Clover Quintanilla, born 7/14/08 at 7:44 pm. 7 lb. 12 oz., 21 inches long, and absolutely perfect.

Just look at that sweet face!