My wonderful friend Kristin has been trying to convince me to start a blog for a LONG time now, but I have stubbornly refused, saying I didn't have the time to keep up with it. However, I keep getting in trouble for not sharing pictures of Kennedy often enough, so I started thinking that maybe this will be better motivation for me, to actually have a vehicle for recording what is going on in our lives. So here goes. I figure that this site will be frequented mostly by Kennedy's grandparents, so I will use it primarily to post updates and pictures of her, although I will probably include occasional stories about Dave and myself as well. I will make no commitments regarding the frequency of my posts, as I'm just not sure how I'll be about keeping up - I'll try. :) So I'll start two months ago, when our lives changed forever in the most wonderful way...
On our way to the hospital. What a strange feeling knowing that we were leaving the house as a couple for the last time!

Almost time to meet Baby Q...

It's a... GIRL!!!! Miss Kennedy Clover Quintanilla, born 7/14/08 at 7:44 pm. 7 lb. 12 oz., 21 inches long, and absolutely perfect.

Just look at that sweet face!
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